Hello Everybody! My name is Brandon Meier and I now draw for Jesus. My hope is that you see Jesus in all of the work in this shop. I always believed that I loved Jesus, but it wasn't until 2019 when I was at my lowest and didn't want to be here anymore that Jesus met me face to face. I finally surrendered my life to Him completely and found out what it looks like to truly love Him. In December 2022 I lost my source of income and asked the Lord what to do about it which led to the creation of John13:5 Co. Now I draw for Jesus. Every Sticker and product in the shop are my hand drawn designs at the direction of the Holy Spirit and are unique to John 13:5 Co. I believe every person following Jesus should be able to express their Faith in exciting fun ways. I pray the products at John 13:5 Co. bless every one of you the way Jesus has blessed me because in reality its all about Him.

Brandon Meier

About John 13:5 Co.
john thirteen-five co. is a business that specializes in high quality stickers and accessories that allow you to proclaim your faith in Jesus. Every work of art is hand drawn and created by our artist. in scripture, john thirteen-Five tells a story of the humility and servanthood of Jesus for his disciples at a very vital time in His ministry. He washed his disciples feet knowing soon he would be handed over to die for the world. at john thirteen-five co. we believe Jesus set the standard for servanthood and humility and strive to do the same. we pray you enjoy our products and are blessed by them and see Jesus. god bless you!